singapore designer fung kwok pan set out to prove cold industrial materials like steel and concrete can be comfortable
with the concretus chair. the chair is made from small concrete tiles that are linked together using small pieces of
stainless steel wire. the tiles are made one by one using silicone molds that were based off positive forms made from
MDF. these tiles are molded and mounted to a wire backing. the tiles are then linked together and tied to the black
metal frame using a thin nylon string. the resulting seat conforms to the sitter’s body cradling them in the chair and
showing how surprisingly conformable concrete can be.
Made from bamboo pulp, and have the feel of solid fibreboard.
- Original colour: off-white
- Paintable with wall paint
- Flame retardant, water repellent
- Dimensions per panel: L 46 cm x W 46 cm x H 2 cm
- Material thickness; 1,5 mm
- Weight: 250 - 300 grams per panel
- Packaging: 10 panels per box (2,1 m2)
- Simple application
Available in 4 designs:
o Bars
o Dunes
o Moonscape
o Pads
3DWalldecor has had extensive safety testing carried out.
The wall panels meet all European standards with regard to; fire safety, water absorption, moisture resistance and expansion rate under various conditions.
3DWalldecor wall panels are easy to apply.
Motorists will be driving on the world’s first “green” tires within the next five years, scientists predicted at the 239th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), thanks to a revolutionary new technology that produces a key tire ingredient from renewable feedstocks rather than petroleum-derived feedstocks. The technology stands to reduce the tire industry’s reliance on crude oil. According to the Rubber Manufacturers Association trade group, it takes about 7 gallons of oil to make 1 car tire (the oil is turned into isoprene), and 1 billion of them are made each year.
The new tires will be a “sweet” advance toward greener, more sustainable transportation in a quite literal sense, according to Joseph McAuliffe, Ph.D., who reported on the technology. The process can use sugars derived from sugar cane, corn, corn cobs, switchgrass or other biomass to produce the ingredient, a biochemical called isoprene, derived from renewable raw materials.
“An intensive search has been underway for years for alternative sources of isoprene, in particular those from renewable resources such as biomass,” said McAuliffe. He is a staff scientist at Genencor, an industrial biotechnology company in Palo Alto, Calif. “One technical challenge has been the development of an efficient process for converting sugars into isoprene. One means by which we’re addressing this challenge is by using a fermentation process based on a modified bacterial strain that is designed to convert carbohydrate feedstocks into BioIsoprene™ product.”
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. and Genencor, a division of Danisco A/S, have established a research collaboration to develop an integrated fermentation, recovery and purification system for producing BioIsoprene™ product from renewable raw materials. Genencor intends to commercialize the technology within the next five years.
In his ACS presentation, McAuliffe described how Genencor engineered bacteria to efficiently convert sugars to isoprene and how the smooth integration of fermentation and recovery processes promises to deliver a new route to this strategically important ingredient used to make synthetic rubber.
Goodyear and other large tire manufacturers use isoprene to produce synthetic rubber for use in tires to supplement use of natural rubber. Additionally, isoprene is used in a wide range of other industrial applications including, for example: use in other elastomers; block copolymers such as styrene-isoprene-styrene (SIS) used in hot melt adhesives in products such as diapers and feminine hygiene products; surgical gloves and other rubber-based products. Worldwide production of high purity isoprene derived today from petroleum-based feedstocks totals about 1.7 billion pounds. Goodyear, which manufactures 200 million tires annually, is one of the world’s largest users of isoprene. The firm plans to supplement its use of petroleum-based isoprene with BioIsoprene™ product.
“This is an enormous market,” McAuliffe said. “BioIsoprene™ product will serve as a renewable and cost-competitive alternative to isoprene. It’s a material that can drive new markets, so I believe those numbers highlighting global consumption would grow if new material became available. We want to make biochemicals from renewable materials,” McAuliffe said, “partially as a hedge against rising crude oil prices and much more so because this approach moves us to a more sustainable future.”
Another tire company that is making greener and less petroleum intensive tires is Nokian Tyres. Nokian Tyres is the world’s first tire manufacturer to have fully eliminated high-aromatic (HA) oils in its production. The purified oils used by Nokian Tyres contain less polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) than required in the pertinent EU directive.
HA oils are the by-products of oil refining. The tire industry began using them in tire production in the 1950s. The oils, used as plasticising agents in the production of treads, facilitated the mixing of different raw materials and the refining of rubber compounds. HA oils are classified as carcinogens because they contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In tire production, HA oils can be replaced with non-labelled oils, that is, low-aromatic (LA) oils, which contain less than three per cent of PAH compounds. Studies show that this content of PAH compounds is low enough to render them harmless.
Het natuurproduct Thermo-Hennep is uitermate geschikt voor het isoleren van daken, muren en vloeren en is vrij van schadelijke stoffen.Thermo-Hemp garandeert een perfecte bescherming tegen de koude in de winter én de warmte in de zomer. De goede diffusie eigenschap van Hennep isolatie zorgt voor een automatische vochtregulering, het gevolg is een aangenaam, gezond leefklimaat.
De grondstof Hennep is een veelzijdig en vernieuwbaar gewas. Hennep groeit tot bijna 4 meter hoogte in 100 tot 120 dagen en groeit op alle types grond. Onkruid krijgt zo geen kans en onkruidbestrijding is dus niet nodig. Hennep zuivert de lucht door grote hoeveelheden CO2 om te zetten tijdens de groei.Thermo-Hennep heeft dus al CO2 bespaart vóór het als isolatie materiaal word ingezet.
Pykrete is een composiet dat bestaat uit ongeveer 14 gewichtsprocenten zaagsel of uit enig ander soort houtpulp(zoals papier) en 86 gewichtsprocenten ijs. De eigenschappen van dit composietmateriaal werden ontdekt door enkele onderzoekers van de Polytechnische Universiteit van New York en grondiger onderzocht door Max Perutz. Geoffrey Pyke van de Royal Navy stelde tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog voor het te gebruiken voor het maken van een groot, onzinkbaar vliegdekschip, eigenlijk meer een drijvend eiland dan een schip. Het werd het Project Habakkuk genoemd.
Pykrete heeft enkele interessante eigenschappen zoals het relatief langzaam smelten door de lage warmte doorlaatbaarheid en grote toename van de mechanische treksterkte en taaiheid in vergelijking met gewoon ijs. Eigenlijk meer vergelijkbaar met beton. Pykrete is, omdat het uitzet bij het bevriezen, iets minder makkelijk te maken dan beton, maar het kan gerepareerd en onderhouden worden met gewoon water.
Het Project Habakkuk werd uiteindelijk afgeblazen vanwege de hoge productiekosten die het met zich meebracht. Het is onduidelijk waarom er vervolgens geen andere toepassingen meer voor Pykrete zijn gerealiseerd